I ran my very first double digit training run today! 10 miles! Well, I wouldn't exactly call it a run. By the end, it was more like a crawl. Towards the end of my run, I had a 13+ minute split (you can see all my splits under the half marathon training plan tab). What I did was...I ran the Tufts 10K for Women and then ran the 3.8 miles home. I would not recommend running a race, taking a 1 hour break, and then running some more. During my run home, my legs got really sore...really fast (hence the crawl).
Long sleeve tech tees! My favorite. This was a great race. First of all, it's FLAT. Second, it goes through Boston and along Memorial Drive in Cambridge. I love Boston races and I love racing on my normal running routes. One gripe: While waiting at the start, every 10 seconds the announcer would yell out "AM I GOING TO SEE YOU AT THE FINISH." Yes lady, if all goes as planned, you will be seeing me at the finish. That's the goal here.
This past weekend, I also made some pumpkins muffins!
I am trying to use up the things in my pantry so I made these with Trader Joes Pumpkin Bread & Muffin Mix.
But I have a GREAT pumpkin muffin recipe that can be found here. It's better than the Trader Joes mix and takes about the same amount of time to prepare. Also, please note at how much better my photos are looking! I got the iPhone 5 and the camera is amazing! So much better than the one on my iPhone 3.
Let's see if I'll stick to this week's training plan. I didn't do such a great job last week...
Half Marathon Training Plan: Week 8 (Oct 8-15)
Monday: 10 mile run (Tufts 10K for Women + 3.8 mile run)
Tuesday: rest day!
Wednesday: 20 min cross train or easy run
Thursday: 60 min run
Friday: rest day!
Saturday: 25 min run or cross train
Sunday: 2 hour easy run (I'm going 10.5-11 miles!)
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