When my sister was applying to colleges, my mom made 1 rule and only 1 rule - she had to go to a school that was close to an airport that had direct flights to San Francisco. You see, I had gone to Colby College in Waterville, ME, which was not near an airport and not near an airport that had direct flights to SF. During my time at Colby, I had gotten stranded multiple times. Once I even had to stay overnight in DC because I missed my connection!
My sister broke that rule by going to school in the middle of nowhere. Fortunately, it's near a delicious pie store! Just a few minutes from my Williams College, I would go get a delicious pie every time I went out and visited her.
I present to you...The Apple Barn in Bennington, VT
Pretty Vermont...
And a delicious pie! (Blueberry...obviously)
this is a fantastic post! #yummy #wishihadsomepierightnow